1. He taught me Hindi.
Identify the sentence pattern
2. Fill in the blank with an appropriate infinitive.
He refused ________ the orders.
3. To which nationality does the poet V.K. Gokak belong?
4. Identify the sentence.
The boy was disobedient, so the teacher punished him.
5. Match the following words given in Column A with the blending words in Column B and
select the answer from the codes given below:
Column A Column B
(a) Electro execute 1. Heliport
(b) Helicopter + airport 2. Smog
(C) Smoke + fog 3. Telex
(d) Teleprinter + exchange 4. Electrocute
(a) (b) (c) (d)
6. Identify the sentence that contains the Superlative form of the adjective.
7. Identify the sentence:
I had to walk back home as the transport workers were on strike.
8. The following lines are taken from the poem
The music in my heart I bore
'Long after it was heard no more'.
9. Who said this?
'Woman is the companion of man, gifted with equal mental capacities'.
10. 'Sonnet No: 116' is written by